We get different types of facial mist in the market but making one at home is just the best thing.It gives immense satisfaction about the fact that its 100% natural .
Banyak banget jenis-jenis cairan facial mist yang beredar di pasaran, tapi membuat sendiri juga gampang lho! Selain itu, membuat sendiri facial mist memberikan kita kepuasan karena bahan-bahannya 100% alami.
It also rejuvenates and freshens up dull & tired skin instantly.Facial mist/spray are the best thing/spray in summers to keep your skin hydrated and fresh. Lets make our own facial mist/spray at home!
Here’s a list of things required to make facial spray/mist:
1. Distilled water( 2 cups), can use normal water as well ,choose quantity of water as per the spray bottle.
2. Cute spray bottle. You can buy it at Stroberi !
3. Pure Aloe Vera juice or gel(2 tbsp).
4. Fresh or dried orange peel(peel of 1 orange).
5. Fresh or dried lemon peel(peel of 1 lemon).
6. Fresh or dried rose petals ,can use rose water(petals of 1 rose and 4-5 tbsp rose water.
7. Vitamin E capsules(2 capsules).
8. Tea tree essential oil ( 4-5 drops),if skin is oily and acne prone(optional again).
9. Lavender essential oil (4-5 drops), its optional but if you use it your mist would smell awesome plus lavender has its own benefits on skin..
How to make:
Take an open vessel boil the distilled water and add orange,lemon peels to it,if you are using rose petals add them now in case it’s rose water for you then it can be added later not now.Let this concoction stand over night.Next morning strain the concoction and pour it in the spray bottle,to this add rose water if you did not use rose petals.Its time now to add Aloe Vera ,essential oil which ever u prefer.Slit open the Vit e capsules and pour the gel into the mixture.Our natural homemade facial mist is ready to use.
Facial mist cocok dipakai pada saat musim panas untuk menjaga kelembaban dan menyegarkan kulit wajah kita. Langsung aja kita bikin yuk!
Ini dia bahan-bahan yang perlu kita persiapkan:
1. Air Mineral (2 cup)
2. Botol spray cute Stroberi
3. Jus atau gel Lidah buaya (2 sendok makan)
4. Kupasan kulit jeruk
5. Kupasan kulit lemon
6. Bunga rose
7. Vitamin E (2 kapsul)
8. 4-5 tetes essent daun teh (opsional untuk kulit wajahmu yang berjerawat atau berminyak)
9. 4-5 tetes essent bunga lavender. ini akan membuat cairan facial kita harum dan juga membuat kulit wajah halus.
Cara membuat:
Tuangkan air mineral ke dalam sebuah wadah, masukan kupasan jeruk, lemon dan bunga rose. Biarkan semalam, keesokan paginya tuangkan cairan yang ada di dalam wadah ke dalam spray dan masukan lidah buaya serta berbagai essent. Buka kemasan kapsul vitamin E dan tadaaaa….. Jadi deh facial mist home made kita!