10 Foods to Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin10 Makanan untuk Menjadikan Kulitmu Indah

This good foods can help you to  aggravate your skin,  check out a list of 10 foods to eat every day for perfect skin:

Sepuluh makanan ini bisa membuat kulitmu indah dan bercahaya, lho. Yuk simak apa saja rahasianya:


1. Red bell peppers are a tasty vegetable that can be enjoyed either cooked or raw. One red bell pepper contains more than 100% of your daily vitamin C needs. It also contains significant amounts of dietary fiber and vitamin B6. Moreover, it is rich in carotenoids that can help prevent wrinkles and increase blood circulation to your skin, helping it look more youthful. Due to their carotenoids, red bell peppers are also great to fight acne.

A red bell pepper is a perfect, low calorie snack that contains about 30 calories and has a really satisfying crunchy bite. Keep slices of red bell peppers in the fridge, so you will always have something healthy and tasty to reach for when you are having a snack attack. The fiber that a bell pepper contains will help you to feel full longer with very little calories. Plus, you will have a flawless skin!


2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and flavanols that promote glowing skin. The antioxidants in dark chocolate will help reduce roughness in your skin and protect it against sun damage. Moreover, cocoa relaxes arteries, increasing blood circulation that leads to healthier skin.


3. Salmon is an excellent food to fight stress, anxiety, and depression. Salmon also provides most of your daily vitamin D needs. And as you may already know, Vitamin D is responsible for keeping your heart, bones, colon and brain healthy. It also helps prevent colon cancer, anxiety, depression, heart disease and bone disease.

Salmon is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent for fighting inflammation, wrinkles and acne. Its high omega-3 content also helps hydrate your skin from the inside out. Moreover, eating salmon keeps your scalp hydrated and promotes strong, healthy hair.


4. Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat with about 90 percent of calories as saturated fat. It contains lauric acid, a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that keeps away viruses, infections, inflammation and acne. Coconut oil is also rich in essential fatty acids and Vitamin E, which are perfect for keeping your skin moist, soft, and wrinkle-free.

5. When the tea is hot, the bionic brew releases catechins, a kind of antioxidant with proven anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea may also reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure. Drink 3 or more cups of tea every day for better results.


6. Spinach is a healthy and nutrient-rich food you should certainly include in your everyday diet. You may hate spinach, but it is a wonderful source of iron, folate, chlorophyll, Vitamin E, magnesium, Vitamin A, fiber, plant protein, and Vitamin C. Due to their antioxidant abilities, Vitamins C, E, and A are especially great for your skin.

Spinach contains antioxidants that fight against all types of skin problems. Add it to your everyday diet and see what happens. By eating spinach, you’re just cleaning your skin from the inside out!


7. Chia seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds are all great for your skin. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are both rich in selenium, Vitamin E, magnesium and protein. Selenium and protein keep all wrinkles away, Vitamin E enhances moisture in your skin and magnesium lowers your stress levels. The healthy Omega 3 fatty acids in flax, chia and hemp seeds are perfect for fighting wrinkles and acne. Plus, these seeds are rich in protein.

Just sprinkle seeds right on top of your salad or oatmeal and enjoy the great taste as well as perfect skin.


8.Another food to eat daily for perfect skin is celery. Many of us underestimate this veggie, but celery contains Vitamin K that keeps the blood circulation healthy and helps to reduce high blood pressure. This can reduce your stress level, and as you know stress can cause bad skin, migraines and even cancer.

Celery also contains natural sodium, potassium and water, and can help to prevent dehydration. I hope you know that dehydrated skin means dryness, flaking, wrinkles, and even breakouts. Make sure you consume celery every day or at least every other day. If you are counting calories, don’t worry, celery is very low in calories!


9. Papaya is a wonderful fruit which has a rich history and numerous nutritional benefits. It is very low in calories (only 39 calories per 100 g!) and also contains no cholesterol. So if you are trying to lose weight, consider eating papaya every day to maximize its health benefits.

A great beauty food, papaya is low in fructose and is excellent for digestion! The antioxidant nutrients found in it, including Vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, are great at reducing inflammation and acne. Moreover, Vitamin C may also protect your skin against sun damage.

10. Carrots are good not only for your eyes, but also for your skin. They are especially good for clearing up breakouts. Carrots are rich in vitamin A and they help prevent the overproduction of cells in the outer layer of the skin. That’s where excess sebum combines with dead cells and clogs pores.

Another great reason to snack on some carrots is because Vitamin A reduces the development of skin-cancer cells. So make sure you nibble on a half-cup of baby carrots every day for perfect skin. I love carrots and I think they make a great snack.

You don’t have to eat all these foods every day, but even some of them would be great! Be sure to avoid junk foods, too much sugar, trans fats and refined carbs for the best skin possible.

(source: amerikanki)



Paprika merah merupakan jenis sayuran yang enak dimakan mentah ataupun dimasak. Satu buah paprika mengandung lebih dari 100% kebutuhan vitamin C dalam tubuhmu. Selain itu paprika kaya akan serat dan vitamin B6.  Yang lebih penting, paprika mengandung carotenoids yang bisa mencegah keriput,  dan memperlancar sirkulasi darah ke kulitmu.


2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate kaya akan antioxidants, asam lemak dan flavanols yang membantu untuk mencerahkan kulit. Antioxidant di dalam dark chocolate akan membantu untuk menghaluskan kulit dan melindungi kulitmu dari kerusakan kulit akibat sinar matahari. Tapi, pilih dark chocolate yang mengandung 80% cocoa ya, jangan yang lebih banyak kandungan susunya ya girls


3. Salmon

Salmon adalah makanan yang bagus untuk mengurangi stress, kegelisahan dan depresi. Salmon juga mengandung vitamin D yang menjaga kesehatan organ hati, tulang dan otak. Omega 3 yang terkandung di dalam asam lemak salmon membantu menjaga kelembaban kulit wajah dan rambut.


4. Coconut oil

Minyak kelapa murni mengandung 90% kalori sebagai lemak tak jenuh, minyak kelapa mengandung lauric acid yang ampuh menjaga tubuh melawan virus, infeksi dan radang akibat jerawat. Minyak kelapa juga kaya akan lemak esensial dan vitamin E, yang menjaga kulitmu halus, lembab dan bebas dari keriput.


5. Green Tea

Teh hijau terkenal dan terbukti sebagai anti kanker paling ampuh. Teh hijau membantu mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi. Minum teh hijau 3 kali sehari untuk hasil yang lebih baik.


6. Spinach

Bayam merupakan makanan kaya nutrisi yang mengandung zat besi, folate, chlorophyll, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin A, serat,  protein tumbuhan dan vitamin C. Semua vitamin ini baik untuk kulitmu, selain itu antioxidant membantu melawan berbagai macam problem kulit.  Dengan mengonsumsi bayam, membantumu untuk membersihkan kulit dari luar dan dalam tubuhmu.


7. Seeds

Biji chia, hemp, bunga matahari dan  biji flax merupakan biji-bijian yang baik untuk kulitmu. Biji buah labu dan bunga matahari kaya akan selenium, vitamin E, magnesium dan protein. Selenium dan protein membantu untuk menghilangkan kerutan, vitamin E membuat kulitmu lembab dan magnesium membantu mengurangi kadar stress.  Semua biji-bijian yang kaya akan protein ini bisa ditaburkan di atas saladmu. Yummm


8. Celery

Jangan pernah meremehkan jenis sayuran ini, seledri mengandung vitamin K yang membantu menjaga sirkulasi darah agar tetap lancar dan membantu untuk mengurangi stress.  Seperti yang kamu tahu, stress dapat menyebabkan kulit tidak sehat, migrain dan bahkan kanker.  Seledri bahkan mengandung sodium alami, potassium dan air, yang dapat mencegah dehidrasi. Pastikan kamu mengkonsumsi seledri setiap hari di dalam menu  makananmu ya girls.


9. Papaya

Pepaya merupakan makanan yang kaya akan nutrisi, vitamin C, E, dan beta karoten membantu mengurangi peradangan dan jerawat.  Pepaya juga mengandung sedikit kalori (hanya 39 kalori per 100 gram) dan tidak mengandung kolesterol.  Buah ini juga rendah fruktosa sehingga gampang untuk dicerna.

10. Carrots

Wortel tidak hanya baik untuk mata tapi juga untuk kulitmu. Vitamin A yang terkandung dalam wortel membantu mencegah produksi berlebihan sel kulitmu. Banyaknya sel kulit mati akan menyumbat pori-pori kulitmu sehingga membuat kulitmu tampak kusam. Alasan lainnya untuk mengkonsumsi wortel adalah untuk mengurangi bahaya menyebarnya sel kanker.

Kamu tidak perlu mengkonsumsi semua makanan ini setiap hari, cukup sebagian dari makanan yang direkomendasikan saja. Jangan lupa untuk menghindari junk food, gula yang terlalu banyak dan makanan yang mengandung lemak berlebihan ya.

(source: amerikanki)